Tutorial Assignment 1

This exercise was to draw 4 sketches for Assignment 1, I, Me and Myself. It would help generate good ideas, and having more than one idea to select, and to work on for the assignment. However, I was only able to produce two ideas for this exercise.


the above is the raw sketches of the two ideas I had. the first one is the bug keychain idea (which is further elaborated on in Assignment 1, below). the 2nd idea is forming my name from both the shelf, and the floor with things typically found in the storeroom in my home. I have the tendency to store and "hoard" a variety of things, from old toys to souvenirs and old stationary, generally the items my family have encouraged me to dispose off, but I didn't want to let go. My form of "organised chaos" is present as an element in the picture, as nobody except I could find my things in what most people would think is a mess.

Its about I, me, myself, and about the insects I like to collect. One of the other things I enjoy collecting would be keychains.

However, the initial design had several problems. the insects, which were to represent my name, were too small, and dull compared to the "background". there were elements in the prototype which were distracting. Hence, I revised the layout. The background is simply a wooden board where the keychains are placed.

As I'm unable to load the picture due to the javascript messing up the blogger.com menu bar, I've inserting a link to view the image.


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